Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Last Minute Election Day Encouragement

A Little Last Minute Election Day Encouragement

Happy Tuesday :) 

 I hope you’re safe, and well, and feeling fine - Enjoying the sunshine & blue skies.

I don’t speak on politics much but today I’m struggling with holding it in. This started off as a caption on my IG post and ended up being so long that it wouldnt fit so without further adhue... 

I wanted to make this post for anyone that may be battling with the decision on the last chance to vote today. I have been holding in A LOT, so even though I doubt anyone will read the entire thing, my apologies in advance. 

If you already voted, dis ain’t really for you💕 Have a great day, Suga😘

If you haven’t yet, understand that by not voting you are encouraging a negative outcome. 

I know this country’s system is f*cked, and set up to see some of us fail, but minorities HAVE made some progress throughout history. 

If we give up now, we are  giving up an important part of this long battle. 

So many people fought and died, just for us to have the right to use our voice.  It is almost a slap in the face not to exercise that right. 

We don’t need “whatever you want to call this” to run this country anymore! 

Whether the voting system is rigged, or not; we will never truly know unless we are the ones counting the votes ourselves. 

Sh*t we go President Obama, TWICE, so some of the odds have got to be in our favor, right? I could be wrong but really...

& unless you are going to these meetings where they are making final decisions for this country, neither do you.

I know things may look bad but don’t give up just yet.

They could be boarding up the stores downtown because they already know who’s going to win, or they could just be preparing themselves for what’s to come. We don’t REALLY know.

Unless you are on the board of people that decided to board up the city, you don’t REALLY know.  

By voting, you are taking a riskfree gamble on the chance that we may actually take a small bit of that lying pig's power. 

He’s “really rich”, so losing his presidency won’t be the worst thing in the world for him, but it could be a step forward for us. 

You may have a whole idea, conspiracy, and/or prediction about this county in your head; but you don’t actually know if it’s true unless you got your information from a primary source. Even still, that isn’t 100% reliable. There’s just too much information and misinformation to go around. 

What you do know for fact, is you have a right to vote and get this man out of office. 

The least you can do is TRY to help get the country you reside in, into a better space. 

You may not feel like Biden is the best choice because of his past, or something else, but I always say “people can change.”

I’m not here to tell you to go follow him and join his campaign committee, I’m just saying, At least he’s SAYING he wants to help get the country back on track. 

Meanwhile, the kid in office is still trying to move forward with his plans for self distruction and he plans to take us all down with him. 

Voting anything other than Biden is going to guarantee that monster another 4 years in office. 

Do your country a favor. Do your community a favor. Do yourself a favor. 

Do your one little part (it’s BIG fr) , and vote. 

Just go do it real quick.🤦🏾‍♀️


There are a lot of loud people out here looking for attention and will literally say the most outlandish things to guide their community in the wrong direction. 

Don’t be easily amused by people that are too cowardly to continue fighting this respect & equality war because they’d rather just have fun. 

There are real issues going on and we need don't anymore noise to make our point any less clear.

Don’t become a part of their project. They are on an entirely different mission and they are preying on your will to believe in something, so much, that they are willing to to raise controversy and add confusion to make money off of you. 

It’s a great strategy when you are only concerned about yourself, but the exact opposite of what we need when there is a bigger issue at stake. 

It’s fucked up to laugh at YOUR COMMUNITY, people that may have helped you become the person you are today, who have also been wrongfully hurt by this countries policies, yet still have a little courage left to fight for a better tomorrow. 

It’s even worse if YOU have been hurt by this country and is policies or even discriminated against, and aren’t even willing to do anything about it yourself. 

You can maintain peace, avoid negativity, and be a part of an important moment in history simultaneously.

If you disagree with what your people are doing, the last thing you do is link up with their enemy and laugh at them. 

No matter the outcome, as long as we don’t give up and continue the fight for what’s right, the fight is far from over.

Your vote DOES count toward the cause, even if you think it doesnt.

There IS a pandemic going on. 

People ARE dying. 

Frequently washing your hands, staying home and wearing masks DO help slow spread germs.

Police officers SHOULD be held accountable for wrongful murder... 

...and receiving that sticker as you leave the voting polls is an acknowledgement of your courage. 

It means you did your part, by attempting to help the country you live in, dig itself out of the hell hole that the monster currently in office has made deeper. 


Enjoy the rest of your day, say a prayers, and be safe out there tonight💕