Sunday, August 4, 2019

Are You a Chronic Complainer?

Are You a Chronic Compainer?

You know what I find extremely annoying? A chronic complainer! 

You know those people that just complain nonstop about everything, and when they don’t’ have anything to complain about; they go searching for a problem so that they can complain some more?

 Meanwhile, you're just sitting there listening to them, thinking...

Well if you have no idea what I am talking about, chances are that you are that person. Yeah, that’s right, it’s you.

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You ARE the chronic complainer. 

But it’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up about it. We all complain, you just happen to do it a little more than the rest of us.

Aaaaaaand it just so happens that it’s annoying asf. 

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I won’t lie. I used to be a chronic complainer too. I didn’t even realize how annoying I would become to other people when I complained non-stop. Occasionally, when things get real, real shitty, I begin to gravitate back towards that whooping hole of discontent but then I remember four things that get me right back on track:

1.             Its bad for your health
2.             It increases unproductivity
3.             I’m blessed and nothings never really that deep
4.             It’s annoying! So If you can’t or won’t fix it, just shut the fuck up and deal with it. 
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Seriously, but the change starts with you. Of course, the first thing you have to do is admit to yourself that you are a chronic complainer. 

Say it with me: “I am a chronic complainer.”

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Awesome! That wasn’t so bad, now was it?

People may try to help you accomplish your goal to quit your bad habits, but you are the only person that can actually make that change, which in this case is complaining. It won’t be easy but when is anything worth having ever easy? NEVER! 
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Anywho, if you need a little motivation to stop this little naggy habit, or at least have the desire to complain a little less, follow these four steps. I can’t promise that you’ll stop complaining altogether today, but I can promise that the more you practice living in this state of mind, the less you will find yourself complaining about things that don’t actually matter. 

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Let's get into it!

1.             Complaining is bad for your health.

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Yes people, just like everything else in the world, complaining is bad for your health. 

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Seriously, it rewires your brain, making it more likely for you to complain in the future. Practice makes perfect, so just like anything else, if your practice complaining, your going to get good at it and being really good at complaining is no good for your mental health. 

2.             Complaining increases unproductively. 

It’s pretty rare that you find someone complaining about something AND giving what it is they are complaining about 100% of their energy and effort. Say you put 50% of your energy into complaining, then your only putting a minimum of 50% of your energy into your task. If you want to throw it back to grade school, newsflash, that’s an F.

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 I say a minimum of 50% because if your anything like me, you're always thinking about something else no matter what you are doing, like what I’m going to eat for lunch or what I’m going to wear when I go out this weekend. That takes a good 5-10% percent of my energy which means I’m really only giving about 90-95% of energy when completing a task. So if I spent at least 40% of my energy complaining, I’m left with only 50% of energy to complete the task. I don’t know about you, but I know I would not be satisfied with putting my name on a job or task that shows only 50% of the effort. 
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100% Of your energy into a task
10% of your energy thinking about miscellaneous bullshit
40% of your energy complaining
50% of energy left to complete the task = Unproductive asf

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3.             I’m blessed and nothing is ever that deep.

This one is personal for me. I know everyone that is reading this may not religious so this may not be a tip that you to take on but I like to keep this tip in mind because I really believe it. Although I do have a lot of questions when it comes to religion, I do firmly believe there is a God and he sees all. I believe that he has a plan for everyone and that everything happens for a reason. With that being said, I have found that I experience a lot less anxiety when I pray about something rather than complaining to others about it. Once I pray about something, I let it go because if it’s not life or death, it’s going to be okay. Time heals all wounds. Bigger wounds take longer to heal than smaller ones but time heals them all.  With that being said, I recommend at least attempting to let God and time get you through the storm rather than relying on yourself to complain your way through it. Yes, whatever your going through sucks like hell, and by no means am I trying to belittle anyone’s bump in the road on their journey through life, but nothing lasts forever, even hard times, so it’s almost never really THAT deep. 

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Finally, 4. 

It’s annoying asf, so if you can’t or won’t fix it, shut the fuck up! 

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I feel like this one is pretty self-explanatory. No one wants to be around a negative Nancy. It is 2019. The biggest lifestyle change that basically everyone is preaching these days is “Good Vibes Only” and “No negative energy”. There is no place for negativity other than being surrounded by more negativity. People are fed up and annoyed with bad vibes and are steering clear of them all around. 
Everybody knows that misery loves company, so if you want to be miserable and complain, do it with the negative Nancy’s leave the optimists of the world out of it. If you absolutely have to complain, follow it up with a positive plan to change it or make it better. Then it doesn’t sound so bothersome and it leaves an opportunity for the person your complaining to, to respond with something positive. 

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Well, That’s my 2¢ for today. I hope these tips come in handy for you the way they do for me when I get the urge to complain. Check out some of the other posts for more little ways to simply improve your lifestyle!

With Love and Grace….

 …this is Wallflower….

…signing off! 

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